Zetsumi Ravencroft
Ultramarine Corp
Posted - 2014.04.06 11:12:00 -
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Ok, my favorite kill honestly is not for the kill itself, but what I did shortly after the kill...
So, was playing Skirmish with a squad in my corp last night, and apparently this one cloaked shotty scout had it out for me since I kept having the misfortune of running into him ((Well, more of I was in the area, and he kept popping up behind me with a shotty or just out of my peripheral vision with an advanced SMG [My poor Assault never stood a chance once that thing let rip])), so at one point, I had respawned in the basic frontline gear ((I had stopped caring about the match at that point since it was scout-central and we had already lost way too much to catch up and win so it was Isk grinding time in the free suits)) and ran up to the area containing what used to be a missile turret and a CRU that was friendly at the time ((It's that one map that kind of has the pyramid-ish structures on either side of B with CRUs on both structures, and A is in the middle of the bridge with D all by its lonesome in a facility with a Lab 02 building, a CRU, and a Supply Depot in it... god I need to learn map names already, been playing since the freaking open beta...)), and as I look around, my cross hair turns red on thin air...
Lo and behold, it was my cloaked nemesis standing still doing something unknown to me at the time, so I do the obvious thing and riddle him full of holes with my Militia AR... as well as empty the remaining clip into his corpse as some little revenge... and when I look back up, there's a freaking red dropship sitting right next to me. At first I freaked a little since I thought it had tried to squish me and I was expecting it to take off again, until I noticed I had a hack prompt... yes ladies and gentlemen, it was unoccupied and ripe for the steal... so as expected of anyone with a free enemy vehicle sitting in front of them and no AV access, I hacked the bloody thing, got killed by the scout again, respawned at the nearby blue CRU, and booked it right into the shiny new drop ship.
Now here's the really fun part... once I had gotten it off and the ground, and somewhat into the air, I noticed something quite... odd... about this particular drop ship that was different from the militia drop ships I had once... attempted... to learn how to fly back in the day.
It was the fact I still had a cross-hair on my HUD, and an 8 shot clip indicator with a 56 shot ammo reserve in the bottom right hand corner... yes ladies and gentlemen... I had successfully hijacked an enemy Assault Dropship that was fully outfitted with Afterburners, an unknown level of missile turret, and two shield rechargers. My squad mates had to mute me for about 45 seconds to stop the stream of laughter coming over my mic as I realized what I was sitting in the pilot seat of.
Now, at this point... you're probably expecting me to say that I then used stolen Assault Dropship to go on a killing spree... yeah, in my dreams... I'm so bad at flying dropships that with out fail, I will somehow gain way too much speed, be unable to slow down, and will crash whatever dropship I'm flying half-way across the map with it being upside down... and sure enough, I crashed that thing in the valley beneath the bridge of Alpha, where it proceeded to roll upon hitting the ground, before instantly exploding with me in it.
... and yes, I got hate mail... so much hate mail.
M.A.G - Former RAVEN